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Utur-Mira was one of the Four Guardian Gods created by Hakhnet



Guardian God of Elves, Lord of Magic, The Reborn King, The Divine Lance

Power Level

Greater Deity


Glorious Justice




Good, Sun, Healing, Justice, Law, Magic

Holy Days

Every Day in which Evil is Smited

Favored Weapon



Utur-Mira adored the things already created by Haknet; The Sun, moon, stars, earth, fire, water, and winds. He longed for his people, the elves, to control them and so he set to work creating magic. In the very weave of the world he found a link to the power he searched for and he pursued it. At some point around 2,950 BRU magic entered the world, but with it returned Elam the banished Guardian God and the world suffered. Utur-Mirra fought against Elam and chased him from the world but sealed the way behind him leaving his people for many years but they were left with magic which became a new God to them.

The Return of Utur-Mira[]

In 92 BRU Utur-Mira re-entered the world and found his people were deaf to him. He was weak from his long battle with Elam and his people had long forgotten him. He used what remained of his power to create one last elf, Morotor. Morotor was his prophet who spoke of his return across the Elven kingdoms eventually reaching the ears of the Elven Kings. As they converted Utur-Mira gained power but not as quickly as he had hoped. In 2 BRU Elam returned with six evil gods, known as the Arch-fiends, and Utur-Mira was unable to stop him. Elam converted many elves to his cause and began to bide his time for conquest. Two years after this Utur-Mira gained enough strength to return to his people and Elam struck. The Hundred Year War ensued and it seemed that Elam would eventually prevail. In the Temple of Utur-Mira in PLACEHOLDER, capital of (largest Elven Kingdom) the Seven Arch-fiends attacked The Prophet Morotor and killed him at his altar. Together with the six priests of Morotor Utur-Mira engaged in a ceremony that returned Morotor to life and then Godhood with the six priests. They became known as The Seven Arch-angels and with Utur-Mira they halted the advance of Elam and his army.


Temples to Utur-Mira are simple large buildings similar on the outside to a warehouse. At the altar there is a continual flame that is always kept burning by attending priests.

Rangers of Utur-Mira serve to hunt followers of Elam, primarily the wolves he created to hunt the good elven people. They consider dogs sacred animals and it is illegal to kill or harm one.

Contact with the dead is expressly forbidden and even during resurrections clerics wear gloves. Bodies are not to be buried, submerged, or burned; nor can they be left unattended. They are instead interred in massive towers of silence several miles from any populated area.