Kothor Wiki

Falopriet, The Grand Inquisitor, is one of the seven Devil Lords on Kothor.


When Elam was forced from Kothor he wandered the outer planes. During this unknown time he used his great power to create a number of Devil Lords called the Arch-Fiends. Among these was Falopriet the Devil of Inquisition, Magic, War, and Trickery. He carved out the fifth level of hell as his domain, Valdid.

Entry to Kothor[]

In 92 BRU Elam returned to Kothor with the Arch-Fiends and the first crusade began. Falopriet converted many elves to him with promises of great magical and political power and called them his Inquisitors. They purged lands seized by Elam of all followers of the Gods of Kothor.